Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Background of the Sheppard-Towner Act of 1921

The Sheppard-Towner Act of 1921, informally called the Maternity Act, was the first federal law to provide significant funding to help people in need. The purpose of the Act was to reduce maternal and infant mortality. The legislation was supported by progressives, social reformers, and feminists including Grace Abbott and Julia Lathrop.  It was part of a larger movement called scientific mothering—applying scientific principles and to the care of infants and children, and educating mothers, especially those who were poor or less educated. Historical Context At the time the legislation was introduced, childbirth remained the second leading cause of death for women. About 20% of children in the United States died in their first year and about 33% in their first five years. Family income was an important factor in these mortality rates, and the Sheppard-Towner Act was designed to encourage states to develop programs to serve women at lower income levels. The Sheppard-Towner Act provided for federal matching funds for such programs as: Health clinics for women and children, hiring physicians and nurses to educate and care for pregnant women and mothers and their childrenVisiting nurses to educate and care for pregnant and new mothersMidwife trainingDistribution of nutrition and hygiene information Support and Opposition Julia Lathrop.of the U.S. Childrens Bureau drafted the language of the act, and Jeannette Rankin introduced it into Congress in 1919. Rankin was no longer in the Congress when the Sheppard-Towner Act passed in 1921. Two similar Senate bills were introduced by Morris Sheppard and Horace Mann Towner. President Warren G. Harding supported the Sheppard-Towner Act, as did many in the progressive movement. The bill first passed in the Senate, then passed the House on November 19, 1921, by a vote of 279 to 39.  It became law after it was signed by President Harding. Rankin attended the House debate on the bill, watching from the gallery.  The only woman in Congress at the time, Oklahomas Representative Alice Mary Robertson, opposed the bill. Groups including the American Medical Association (AMA) and its Section on Pediatrics labeled the program socialistic and opposed its passage and opposed its funding in subsequent years.  Critics also opposed the law based on states rights and community autonomy, and as a violation of the privacy of the parent-child relationship. Not only did political reformers, mainly women, and allied male physicians, have to fight for the passage of the bill at the federal level, they also then had to take the fight to the states to get matching funds passed.   Supreme Court Challenge The Sheppard-Towner bill was unsuccessfully challenged in the Supreme Court in  Frothingham V. Mellon And Massachusetts V. Mellon  (1923), The Supreme Court unanimously dismissed the cases, because no state was required to accept the matching funds and no injury could be demonstrated. End of Sheppard-Towner By 1929, the political climate had changed sufficiently that the funding for the Sheppard-Towner Act was ended, with pressure from opposition groups including the AMA likely the major reason for the defunding. The Pediatric Section of the American Medical Association actually supported a renewal of the Sheppard-Towner Act in 1929, while the AMA House of Delegates overrode their support to oppose the bill.  This led to the walkout from the AMA of many of the pediatricians, mostly male, and the forming of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Social and Historical Significance The Sheppard-Towner Act was significant in American legal history because it was the first federally-funded social welfare program, and because the challenge to the Supreme Court failed. The Sheppard-Towner Act is significant in womens history because it addressed the needs of women and children directly at a federal level. It is also significant for the role of women activists including Jeannette Rankin, Julia Lathrop, and Grace Abbott, who considered it part of the womens rights agenda beyond winning the vote for women. The League of Women Voters and the General Federation of Womens Clubs worked for its passage. It shows one of the ways that the womens rights movement continued to work after the right of suffrage was won in 1920. The significance of the Sheppard-Towner Act in progressive and public health history is in demonstrating that education and preventive care provided through state and local agencies could have a significant effect on maternal and child mortality rates.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Shopping And Poor Consumerism The Foreclosure Crisis

first, i have a problem with the phrase Foreclosure Victims. people tried to purchase houses which could never be homes. these structures were appraised too high with basic amenities. if the house was purchased, why would you need to renovate the structure when there is no equity in it within the first ten (10) years of the purchase? does your normal wear and tear exceed normal probabilities? taking out additional loans or having a subcontractor front the costs and labor when they themselves go bankrupt. this reeks of never comparison shopping and poor consumerism. it pays to be informed over major purchases which affect your lifestyle. in other words the structure and surrounding property covered ina ccr were†¦show more content†¦In the event of crisis, the property may be taken over for imminent domain with no recompense. the worst case scenario is looking at the valuation of a vehicle, once it leaves the lot the value immediately decreases. with residency, you are simply a locater beacon and your purchase is your shame to bear. you are basically renting to own just the paperwork, which is a little different and the middle man is different. bankruptcy does not help. the mortgage crisis brought out, that the change of paper which has exchanged so many times with normal lifestyles, no one knows who owns what. Second mortgages were an issue and the negotiations for values of structures and land were placed in the forefront for evaluation. These mortgages are where people receive money for basically the same free standing structure, which is already overpriced. In bankruptcy, the debt can be forgiven and the original first mortgage total was lowered closer to the price than the structure was worth. How can you be a boomerang buyer when you have placed yourself in a bankruptcy in which there is still a certain stigma. the concept of banking and owning a structure are merely that. you place money in the bank and the bank does not watch it, but charges you for every single transaction while they ransom your money to you. Structure ownership never appealed to me. How can you

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Guatemalan Genocide Free Essays

â€Å"Whenever the power that is put in any hands for the government of the people, and the protection of our properties, is applied to other ends, and made use of to impoverish, harass or subdue them to the arbitrary and irregular commands of those that have it; there it presently becomes tyranny, whether those that thus use it are one or many† From the majestic words of the brilliant Philoshope John Locke, a governmental system has the obligation to provide and work for the people, in either a direct or indirect matter.The system should satisfy and benefit the citizen in every possible aspect, rather than preventing the forward advancement of a nation’s people. Locke believed that the power of government should be controlled by the governed, and if the government fails to preserve the rights of the people, the power should be stripped away and the governed have the given right to overthrow the existing government. We will write a custom essay sample on Guatemalan Genocide or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although this principal is democratic in nature, it is a key factor in the relationship between the government and the governed of any given nation.In many Latin American countries, a strong central government has always been the most common form of administration. The government, regardless of being a democratic or a socialist one, manages and controls the majority if not all of the aspects of the country such as the regulation commerce, the distribution of natural resources, the overall management of the banking systems and the department of agriculture.This makes the country much more subjective to corruption and an unbalance of power with in its own system because the government has so much influence and control within the nation that it almost forms a political or social â€Å"monopoly†, in which there is no higher authority to regulate or police what, and in what way different aspects of â€Å"The legislative acts against the trust reposed in them, when they Endeavour to invade the property of the subject, and to make themselves, or any part of the community, masters, or arbitrary disposers of the lives, liberties or fortunes of the people†In the middle 1900’s, the republic of Guatemala, had much instability within its own people, governmentally and militarily due to the racial tension between Mayan Indian natives and European decent citizens. The tensions between the two began to escalade and thicken to a point that violent protesting and riots erupted all over the country in a matter of years. The Guatemalan government, using the national army and its counter insurgency force, began a systematic campaign of repressions and suppressions against Mayan Indians, whom they claimed were working toward a communist coup (Fein 72). It was because of the political instability and public crisis within the Guatemalan government and the country’s social system that made it an ideal time for the URNG (Guatemalan National Revolutionary Union) to begin its plan to totally revolutionize the nation, which led to the massacre of thousands of innocent Guatemalan lives. Many groups have adopted Marxist communism as well as extreme socialistic dogmas and applied them to their own society for their self benefit.In the last two-hundred years, Latin America has seen numerous revolutionary acts, groups and ideologies that were meant to break the barriers of old, and traditional customs that were believe to have been ineffective towards the advancement of the nation. In the late 1960’s, many Guatemalan citizens, especially laborers and natives, had a huge lack of faith and trust within their own government. Their resentment towards the system had developed from the irresponsibility of the national government for no t spreading the wealth and prosperity to the natives whose hard labor made that flourishing possible.The laborers, which consisted of rural Indians who made up the majority of the work force in the country, worked for American investors of coffee plantations did not see any benefit from their painstaking work. Causing them not to trust in the governmental system that promised them many things such as better medical assistance within rural parts of the nation, better roads and highways around inaccessible towns and villages in many places of Guatemala and the better overall appreciation of the working natives. Since then, the tensions between the national government and the native people have not been cleared. During the 1970’s more and more protests and uprisings in the capital and the southwest part of the nation became very frequent, and overtime, very violent. The Peace Pledge Union expressed a dramatic and detailed example of the violent acts that the military of Guatemala racticed on Indian natives in search of subversives, Children were often beaten against walls, or thrown alive into pits where the bodies of adults were later thrown; they were also tortured and raped. Victims of all ages often had their limbs amputated, or were impaled and left to die slowly. Others were doused in petrol and set alight, or disemboweled while still alive. Yet others were shot repeatedly or tortured and shut up alone to die in pain the wombs of pregnant women were cut open.However, it took the Guatemalan military some time to actually suppress the violent uprisings and protests because of the intimidation they had received from the URNG (Guatemalan National Revolutionary Union), a group of socialistic radicals who thought that it was needed to take matters into their own hands by running, claming that the guerilla had ties with powerful drug lords and traffickers who supplied them with weapons and ammunition surpassing that of the military’s. This was a major element that was over seen by the Guatemalan military. If the military would had been tactical enough to for see that the guerilla organizations lacked in supplies and in men to support their violent uprisings against the government, the lives of thousands of innocent Guatemalan lives could have been saved. In the early 1980’s the Guatemalan army persisted in its battle with the Marxist-led guerilla movement by killing tens of thousands of Mayan Indians as suspected subversives.Remnants Of various guerrilla organizations joined together with the URNG and refused to stop fighting until they achieved justice with brute force. Being that the Guatemalan government did not have a solution to end the violence between the Indian rebels and the rest of the nation, the battle between them seemed endless. The lack of support or diplomatic backing from the United Nation and the United States resulted in an escalation of seriousness within the conflict and made the situat ion less suppressant.A key role that made the situation worsen was that the United Nations was not quick to react to the clash. The UN believed that the situation was to be left into the hands of the Guatemalan people according to Benjamin Valentino, author of the book, Final Solutions: Mass Killings and Genocide. According to the United Nations, the situation in the country was not as intense or as serious as they thought it would be. However not only was the UN misinformed about this dilemma, but the whole world did not ealize the magnitude of what was happening in this third world country. Often referred to as â€Å"The Silent Genocide† the world around them had no or very little knowledge of what was actually happening to thousands of Guatemalan citizens (Victoria 56). The United Sates had very little involvement during the 1950’s. When the US realized that the president of Guatemala, Colonel Jacobo Arbenz Guzman, had supposed communist advisors in his cabinet. The US saw this as a major threat of having a communist influence country so close to American soil. The Eisenhower administration planned to overthrown the president, and the Central Intelligence Agency intimidated the Guatemalan army into abandoning Arbenz, and instead adopting US selected Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas. This drastic change reversed the land reforms and many other achievements of the pervious government. Over time Armas was easily influenced by the corrupt officials in the central government. Armas then resigned paving the way for socialistic leader and General of the battalion in Suchitepequez, Juan Jose Arevalo, to take office.The United States had one other major influence in the revolution and that was the funding of training programs to the revolutionary leftist guerillas that committed acts of genocide against the rural Mayan natives. According to Mireya Navarro of The New York Times, â€Å"the report, by the Historical Clarification Commission, contradicts years of official denials of the torture, kidnapping and execution of thousands of civilians in a war that the commission estimated killed more than 200,000 people†.Navarro later went on saying that; â€Å"Although the outlines of American support from Guatemala’s military have been well known, the nine-volume report confirms that the CIA aided Guatemalan forces. The commission listed the American training of the officer corps in counterinsurgency techniques as a factor that ‘had a significant bearing on the human rights violations during the armed confrontation’†. The report also states that the US was very much well aware of its contribution to the training of the military units that were committing acts of genocide, and yet still supported the Guatemalan army.These factors contributed in creating a chaotic and unstable state of mind in the central government which was an ideal environment or situation that made it possible for revolutionary groups such as the URNG to dominate in the confrontation in the country. The unstable government system and the growing chaotic social status made it more subjective for the URNG to have its ways in the conflict. The native Indians did not trust the government despite the reformation after the grasping dictator that was focused mainly on the progression of the country excluding the n atives.The amount of racism and prejudice put on the natives was just the right amount for them to realize the unjust doings of there own government. This angered them because their own government or in this case, there own country would disregard the Indians and pay more attention to huge investors in land ownership. The enraged natives increased the amount of violent protests in the streets, killing people who they though were against the advancement of the â€Å"campesinos† rural labor workers.The constant battles and conflict between the rural natives and the rest of the country caused the nation to be divided on this topic. The division that the country had on this situation, caused many individuals to have mixed and violent feelings towards supporters and/or rebels (revolucionistas vs. nacionales). Those who were against the rebels (natives) were targeted and persecuted by the armed rebel groups including the URNG. Those in favor of the rebels were persecuted by the government and were looked upon as domestic criminals and communistic threats.This led to a total confusion on who were the nacionales and who were the revolucionistas. The Guatemalan military took no precaution in this situation and stated targeting those who they felt were of the two. This led to innocent killings, murders, rapes and tortures of Guatemalan civilians and military operatives. The UNRG took advantage of the disarray of the country and its citizens, to appeal to the Guatemalan public and slowly take hold of the nation. They preached their Marxist ideology to the Guatemalan people.Saying that it was a God given right to rebel against a government that no intention or consideration for its own people. This appealed very well to the public due to the fact that the citizens needed reliance, other than the government, on some sort of plan, which they found in the UNRG. The citizens were tired of promises and plans; they needed something to depend on that was productive and realistic. This increased the number of leftist party members in the country. The central government responded by increasing their involvement in the different districts of the country.The military ran raids in rural towns and native villages the middle of the night, storming through houses killing and slaughtering those who rebelled against the government or had connections or supported the URNG. According to the Peace Pledge Union, a organization the analyzes and studies the complexity of violent conflicts and protest, â€Å"Covert operations were also carried out by the military units called ‘commandos’, backed up by the army and military intelligence. They carried out planned executions and forced ‘disappearances’.Death squads largely made up of criminals, murdered suspected subversives or their allies; under dramatic names, such as ‘the white hand’ or ‘eye for an eye’, they terrorized the country and contributed to the deliberate strate gy of psychological warfare and intimidation. † This is the thousands of lives of men, women and children that were taken over the time period of eleven years. Mass murder resulted in a scare all over the country; citizens were being murdered by their very own people. This made it easier for the URNG to advance even deeper into situation because of all the disarray and confusion among the citizens and the military.Others can say that the nation’s military did their best in suppressing the riots and rebellions by receiving a raise in funds from the government, in an effort to salvage the country. That the military did all in its entirety to benefit the people of Guatemala and to protect them form the revolutionary force that was the leftist URNG. However, their responsiveness toward the dire situation was sluggish and incompetent. The military waited to long for a stable resolution to the conflict, at the expense of thousands of Guatemalan Lives.Others can also say The UNRG revolutionary group was an organization that kept in perspective the progress of the Guatemalan people and not to spread the ideology of Marxism. That the URNG was just a mere organization that wanted to better the lives of the Guatemalan citizens through action, and had no intent or the desire to spread revolutionary and idealistic methods and dogmas. However, even though their intent towards the beginning of the situation was good and beneficial, they realized the need for drastic change overtime, causing them to become more and more power hungry and influential ideologically toward the Guatemalan public.The lives of thousands of Guatemalans could have been salvaged if the national government had better judgment and intention when it came to supplying the public with civil service. If the central government would have remained firm and stable with proper military suppression and keeping civil order in a time of crisis and chaos, the result would have been completely different, and if that would have been kept stable, the revolutionary group would have not been able to stand a chance to the military suppression of the govern ment and therefore would have not been able to justify the lives of thousands with leftist ideology.But it was because of the lack of stability with in the governmental system and the social status, which took the lives of Thousands of Guatemalan people who deserved to die for a better cause and not the failure of people they chose to take control of the nation to make a significant difference. How to cite Guatemalan Genocide, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Math free essay sample

At the end of each unit, DB participation will be assessed based on both level of engagement and the quality of the contribution to the discussion. At a minimum, each student will be expected to post an original and thoughtful response to the DB question and contribute to the weekly dialogue by responding to at least two other posts from students. The first contribution must be posted before midnight (Central Time) on Wednesday of each week. We will write a custom essay sample on Math or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Two additional responses are required after Wednesday of each week. Students are highly encouraged to engage on the Discussion Board early and often, as that is the primary way the university tracks class attendance and participation. The purpose of the Discussion Board is to allow students to learn through sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content and the DB question. Because it is not possible to engage in two-way dialogue after a conversation has ended, no posts to the DB will be accepted after the end of each week. A grandmother is looking for a plan to finance her new grandchild’s college education. She has $50,000 to invest. Search the internet and locate a long-range investment plan, CD, Savings Bond, etc, for the grandmother. The plan is to earn compound interest. Calculate the future value of the investment. You must use the advertised interest rate, the number of compounding periods per year, and the time the funds will be invested. If you are not given the number of compounding periods a year, make it up. 1. The principal is $50,000. This is P. 2. Research the annual interest rate for your investment. This is r. 3. State the time in years for the investment (as in when the new grandchild will be attending college). This is t. 4. State the number of compounding periods per year. This is n. 5. Model the future value of Grandma’s investment as an exponential function, with time as the independent variable: F(t) = P(1 + r/n) nt 6. State the future value of Grandma’s investment. 7. Use the internet or library resources to find the average cost of a college education today; will grandma’s investment be able to cover the cost in today’s dollars; what about in the future? 8. Summarize your findings in writing using proper style and grammar. 9. Include references formatted according to APA style. 10. Respond to a classmate’s posting. If you think there may be an error, feel free to help your classmate without providing the correct answer. Otherwise, analyze the post in comparison to yours or add new information to the discussion. In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings. For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials. | | Math free essay sample If for example the digits | |drawn are 3,6,1 and 2, create a multiplication quiz such as 36 X 12 and ask if any of the students knows how to solve it. Some students may have an idea of how| |to solve it. At this point, some students may know the algorithm but might not have knowledge of the Place Value. | |Tell students that the objective of this class is multiplying two-digit numbers and understanding Place Value in the computation of integers. | |Tell the students what the numerals in the two-digit numbers (36 and 12) represent: 3 and 1 represent tens, while 6 and 2 represent ones. | |Demonstrate how a two-digit multiplication is carried out by multiplying ones times ones, then ones times tens and then adding the products. For example; | | | | | |3 | |6 | | | |x | |1 | |2 | | | | | |7 | |2 | | |3 | |6 | |   | | | |4 | |3 | |2 | | | | | | | |Teacher Modeling | |The teacher will repeat a few examples and ask volunteers to explain | |The teacher will then write three simple quizzes and two relatively complex quizzes in the chart. We will write a custom essay sample on Math or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Every student should correctly do the simple quizzes while the| |complex quizzes will be done in groups. | | | | | | | | |Quizzes to be done individually: | | | |3 | |6 | | | | | |4 | |7 | | | | | |5 | |0 | | |x | |1 | |2 | | | |x | |1 | |2 | | | |x | |1 | |2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Quizzes to be in groups: | | | |3 | |6 | | | | | |4 |7 | | | |x | |4 | |7 | | | |x | |5 | |0 | | | | | | | |Children’s Literature Selection | |McElligot, Matthew. (2009). The Lion’s Share. London: A C Black | |The teacher will reread the book, this time going through each multiplication contained in the story in detail. Occassionally, the teacher might substitute the | |figures in the table with new figures to gauge the understanding of regrouping by the students. | |Guided Student Practice: | |The student will be provided with pencils and papers on which to perform their computations. Groups that have parformed well will be required to assist groups | |that are lagging behind. | |Independent Student Practice: Students who grasp concepts faster are assigned even more challenging/ complex quizzes. Students lagging behind attended to | |individually by the teacher. |Closure: â€Å"In today’s class we have been taught how to multiply two-digit numbers and have learnt, Value Place and regrouping of ones, tens, hundreds and | |thousands. † Students who have successfully completed quiz visit the site www. multiplication. com/games and play interactactive multi plication games to reinforce | |knowledge acquisition. | | Summative Assessment: | |Students assigned homework of 5 relatively more complex multiplication if they successfully completed class assignments. Students correct areas they have done | |wrongly in class assignments using conspicuous markers. | |LESSON REFLECTION | |Describe the outcome of the lesson. | | |There was an apparent understanding of the two-digit multiplication concepts; regrouping of ones into tens and tens into hundreds. | |Describe student performance and state the number of students who achieved the objective on the pre-test and the post-test (Summative Assessment). | | | |Pre-Test: Majority of the students successfully completed the pre-test assignments (13 out of 16). | | | |Post Test: 2 students (out of the three who could not complete the pre-test) scored 2 out of 5 in the class assignment; 1 student got 3 out of 5; 4 scored 4 out| |of 5; and 9 students got everything correct. |Describe an alternative approach for this lesson | | | |For the three students who fail ed to meet the target, ‘refresher’ lessons in multiplication concepts might be required. This might involve a closer one-to-one | |sessions with the underperforming students | |Describe an appropriate lesson to follow this lesson. | | | |Regrouping during multiplication of numbers with decimals | DO NOT ASSIGN HOMEWORK unless the students demonstrate mastery. The parents are important in the lives of their children, but YOU are the teacher.