Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Background of the Sheppard-Towner Act of 1921

The Sheppard-Towner Act of 1921, informally called the Maternity Act, was the first federal law to provide significant funding to help people in need. The purpose of the Act was to reduce maternal and infant mortality. The legislation was supported by progressives, social reformers, and feminists including Grace Abbott and Julia Lathrop.  It was part of a larger movement called scientific mothering—applying scientific principles and to the care of infants and children, and educating mothers, especially those who were poor or less educated. Historical Context At the time the legislation was introduced, childbirth remained the second leading cause of death for women. About 20% of children in the United States died in their first year and about 33% in their first five years. Family income was an important factor in these mortality rates, and the Sheppard-Towner Act was designed to encourage states to develop programs to serve women at lower income levels. The Sheppard-Towner Act provided for federal matching funds for such programs as: Health clinics for women and children, hiring physicians and nurses to educate and care for pregnant women and mothers and their childrenVisiting nurses to educate and care for pregnant and new mothersMidwife trainingDistribution of nutrition and hygiene information Support and Opposition Julia Lathrop.of the U.S. Childrens Bureau drafted the language of the act, and Jeannette Rankin introduced it into Congress in 1919. Rankin was no longer in the Congress when the Sheppard-Towner Act passed in 1921. Two similar Senate bills were introduced by Morris Sheppard and Horace Mann Towner. President Warren G. Harding supported the Sheppard-Towner Act, as did many in the progressive movement. The bill first passed in the Senate, then passed the House on November 19, 1921, by a vote of 279 to 39.  It became law after it was signed by President Harding. Rankin attended the House debate on the bill, watching from the gallery.  The only woman in Congress at the time, Oklahomas Representative Alice Mary Robertson, opposed the bill. Groups including the American Medical Association (AMA) and its Section on Pediatrics labeled the program socialistic and opposed its passage and opposed its funding in subsequent years.  Critics also opposed the law based on states rights and community autonomy, and as a violation of the privacy of the parent-child relationship. Not only did political reformers, mainly women, and allied male physicians, have to fight for the passage of the bill at the federal level, they also then had to take the fight to the states to get matching funds passed.   Supreme Court Challenge The Sheppard-Towner bill was unsuccessfully challenged in the Supreme Court in  Frothingham V. Mellon And Massachusetts V. Mellon  (1923), The Supreme Court unanimously dismissed the cases, because no state was required to accept the matching funds and no injury could be demonstrated. End of Sheppard-Towner By 1929, the political climate had changed sufficiently that the funding for the Sheppard-Towner Act was ended, with pressure from opposition groups including the AMA likely the major reason for the defunding. The Pediatric Section of the American Medical Association actually supported a renewal of the Sheppard-Towner Act in 1929, while the AMA House of Delegates overrode their support to oppose the bill.  This led to the walkout from the AMA of many of the pediatricians, mostly male, and the forming of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Social and Historical Significance The Sheppard-Towner Act was significant in American legal history because it was the first federally-funded social welfare program, and because the challenge to the Supreme Court failed. The Sheppard-Towner Act is significant in womens history because it addressed the needs of women and children directly at a federal level. It is also significant for the role of women activists including Jeannette Rankin, Julia Lathrop, and Grace Abbott, who considered it part of the womens rights agenda beyond winning the vote for women. The League of Women Voters and the General Federation of Womens Clubs worked for its passage. It shows one of the ways that the womens rights movement continued to work after the right of suffrage was won in 1920. The significance of the Sheppard-Towner Act in progressive and public health history is in demonstrating that education and preventive care provided through state and local agencies could have a significant effect on maternal and child mortality rates.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Shopping And Poor Consumerism The Foreclosure Crisis

first, i have a problem with the phrase Foreclosure Victims. people tried to purchase houses which could never be homes. these structures were appraised too high with basic amenities. if the house was purchased, why would you need to renovate the structure when there is no equity in it within the first ten (10) years of the purchase? does your normal wear and tear exceed normal probabilities? taking out additional loans or having a subcontractor front the costs and labor when they themselves go bankrupt. this reeks of never comparison shopping and poor consumerism. it pays to be informed over major purchases which affect your lifestyle. in other words the structure and surrounding property covered ina ccr were†¦show more content†¦In the event of crisis, the property may be taken over for imminent domain with no recompense. the worst case scenario is looking at the valuation of a vehicle, once it leaves the lot the value immediately decreases. with residency, you are simply a locater beacon and your purchase is your shame to bear. you are basically renting to own just the paperwork, which is a little different and the middle man is different. bankruptcy does not help. the mortgage crisis brought out, that the change of paper which has exchanged so many times with normal lifestyles, no one knows who owns what. Second mortgages were an issue and the negotiations for values of structures and land were placed in the forefront for evaluation. These mortgages are where people receive money for basically the same free standing structure, which is already overpriced. In bankruptcy, the debt can be forgiven and the original first mortgage total was lowered closer to the price than the structure was worth. How can you be a boomerang buyer when you have placed yourself in a bankruptcy in which there is still a certain stigma. the concept of banking and owning a structure are merely that. you place money in the bank and the bank does not watch it, but charges you for every single transaction while they ransom your money to you. Structure ownership never appealed to me. How can you

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Guatemalan Genocide Free Essays

â€Å"Whenever the power that is put in any hands for the government of the people, and the protection of our properties, is applied to other ends, and made use of to impoverish, harass or subdue them to the arbitrary and irregular commands of those that have it; there it presently becomes tyranny, whether those that thus use it are one or many† From the majestic words of the brilliant Philoshope John Locke, a governmental system has the obligation to provide and work for the people, in either a direct or indirect matter.The system should satisfy and benefit the citizen in every possible aspect, rather than preventing the forward advancement of a nation’s people. Locke believed that the power of government should be controlled by the governed, and if the government fails to preserve the rights of the people, the power should be stripped away and the governed have the given right to overthrow the existing government. We will write a custom essay sample on Guatemalan Genocide or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although this principal is democratic in nature, it is a key factor in the relationship between the government and the governed of any given nation.In many Latin American countries, a strong central government has always been the most common form of administration. The government, regardless of being a democratic or a socialist one, manages and controls the majority if not all of the aspects of the country such as the regulation commerce, the distribution of natural resources, the overall management of the banking systems and the department of agriculture.This makes the country much more subjective to corruption and an unbalance of power with in its own system because the government has so much influence and control within the nation that it almost forms a political or social â€Å"monopoly†, in which there is no higher authority to regulate or police what, and in what way different aspects of â€Å"The legislative acts against the trust reposed in them, when they Endeavour to invade the property of the subject, and to make themselves, or any part of the community, masters, or arbitrary disposers of the lives, liberties or fortunes of the people†In the middle 1900’s, the republic of Guatemala, had much instability within its own people, governmentally and militarily due to the racial tension between Mayan Indian natives and European decent citizens. The tensions between the two began to escalade and thicken to a point that violent protesting and riots erupted all over the country in a matter of years. The Guatemalan government, using the national army and its counter insurgency force, began a systematic campaign of repressions and suppressions against Mayan Indians, whom they claimed were working toward a communist coup (Fein 72). It was because of the political instability and public crisis within the Guatemalan government and the country’s social system that made it an ideal time for the URNG (Guatemalan National Revolutionary Union) to begin its plan to totally revolutionize the nation, which led to the massacre of thousands of innocent Guatemalan lives. Many groups have adopted Marxist communism as well as extreme socialistic dogmas and applied them to their own society for their self benefit.In the last two-hundred years, Latin America has seen numerous revolutionary acts, groups and ideologies that were meant to break the barriers of old, and traditional customs that were believe to have been ineffective towards the advancement of the nation. In the late 1960’s, many Guatemalan citizens, especially laborers and natives, had a huge lack of faith and trust within their own government. Their resentment towards the system had developed from the irresponsibility of the national government for no t spreading the wealth and prosperity to the natives whose hard labor made that flourishing possible.The laborers, which consisted of rural Indians who made up the majority of the work force in the country, worked for American investors of coffee plantations did not see any benefit from their painstaking work. Causing them not to trust in the governmental system that promised them many things such as better medical assistance within rural parts of the nation, better roads and highways around inaccessible towns and villages in many places of Guatemala and the better overall appreciation of the working natives. Since then, the tensions between the national government and the native people have not been cleared. During the 1970’s more and more protests and uprisings in the capital and the southwest part of the nation became very frequent, and overtime, very violent. The Peace Pledge Union expressed a dramatic and detailed example of the violent acts that the military of Guatemala racticed on Indian natives in search of subversives, Children were often beaten against walls, or thrown alive into pits where the bodies of adults were later thrown; they were also tortured and raped. Victims of all ages often had their limbs amputated, or were impaled and left to die slowly. Others were doused in petrol and set alight, or disemboweled while still alive. Yet others were shot repeatedly or tortured and shut up alone to die in pain the wombs of pregnant women were cut open.However, it took the Guatemalan military some time to actually suppress the violent uprisings and protests because of the intimidation they had received from the URNG (Guatemalan National Revolutionary Union), a group of socialistic radicals who thought that it was needed to take matters into their own hands by running, claming that the guerilla had ties with powerful drug lords and traffickers who supplied them with weapons and ammunition surpassing that of the military’s. This was a major element that was over seen by the Guatemalan military. If the military would had been tactical enough to for see that the guerilla organizations lacked in supplies and in men to support their violent uprisings against the government, the lives of thousands of innocent Guatemalan lives could have been saved. In the early 1980’s the Guatemalan army persisted in its battle with the Marxist-led guerilla movement by killing tens of thousands of Mayan Indians as suspected subversives.Remnants Of various guerrilla organizations joined together with the URNG and refused to stop fighting until they achieved justice with brute force. Being that the Guatemalan government did not have a solution to end the violence between the Indian rebels and the rest of the nation, the battle between them seemed endless. The lack of support or diplomatic backing from the United Nation and the United States resulted in an escalation of seriousness within the conflict and made the situat ion less suppressant.A key role that made the situation worsen was that the United Nations was not quick to react to the clash. The UN believed that the situation was to be left into the hands of the Guatemalan people according to Benjamin Valentino, author of the book, Final Solutions: Mass Killings and Genocide. According to the United Nations, the situation in the country was not as intense or as serious as they thought it would be. However not only was the UN misinformed about this dilemma, but the whole world did not ealize the magnitude of what was happening in this third world country. Often referred to as â€Å"The Silent Genocide† the world around them had no or very little knowledge of what was actually happening to thousands of Guatemalan citizens (Victoria 56). The United Sates had very little involvement during the 1950’s. When the US realized that the president of Guatemala, Colonel Jacobo Arbenz Guzman, had supposed communist advisors in his cabinet. The US saw this as a major threat of having a communist influence country so close to American soil. The Eisenhower administration planned to overthrown the president, and the Central Intelligence Agency intimidated the Guatemalan army into abandoning Arbenz, and instead adopting US selected Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas. This drastic change reversed the land reforms and many other achievements of the pervious government. Over time Armas was easily influenced by the corrupt officials in the central government. Armas then resigned paving the way for socialistic leader and General of the battalion in Suchitepequez, Juan Jose Arevalo, to take office.The United States had one other major influence in the revolution and that was the funding of training programs to the revolutionary leftist guerillas that committed acts of genocide against the rural Mayan natives. According to Mireya Navarro of The New York Times, â€Å"the report, by the Historical Clarification Commission, contradicts years of official denials of the torture, kidnapping and execution of thousands of civilians in a war that the commission estimated killed more than 200,000 people†.Navarro later went on saying that; â€Å"Although the outlines of American support from Guatemala’s military have been well known, the nine-volume report confirms that the CIA aided Guatemalan forces. The commission listed the American training of the officer corps in counterinsurgency techniques as a factor that ‘had a significant bearing on the human rights violations during the armed confrontation’†. The report also states that the US was very much well aware of its contribution to the training of the military units that were committing acts of genocide, and yet still supported the Guatemalan army.These factors contributed in creating a chaotic and unstable state of mind in the central government which was an ideal environment or situation that made it possible for revolutionary groups such as the URNG to dominate in the confrontation in the country. The unstable government system and the growing chaotic social status made it more subjective for the URNG to have its ways in the conflict. The native Indians did not trust the government despite the reformation after the grasping dictator that was focused mainly on the progression of the country excluding the n atives.The amount of racism and prejudice put on the natives was just the right amount for them to realize the unjust doings of there own government. This angered them because their own government or in this case, there own country would disregard the Indians and pay more attention to huge investors in land ownership. The enraged natives increased the amount of violent protests in the streets, killing people who they though were against the advancement of the â€Å"campesinos† rural labor workers.The constant battles and conflict between the rural natives and the rest of the country caused the nation to be divided on this topic. The division that the country had on this situation, caused many individuals to have mixed and violent feelings towards supporters and/or rebels (revolucionistas vs. nacionales). Those who were against the rebels (natives) were targeted and persecuted by the armed rebel groups including the URNG. Those in favor of the rebels were persecuted by the government and were looked upon as domestic criminals and communistic threats.This led to a total confusion on who were the nacionales and who were the revolucionistas. The Guatemalan military took no precaution in this situation and stated targeting those who they felt were of the two. This led to innocent killings, murders, rapes and tortures of Guatemalan civilians and military operatives. The UNRG took advantage of the disarray of the country and its citizens, to appeal to the Guatemalan public and slowly take hold of the nation. They preached their Marxist ideology to the Guatemalan people.Saying that it was a God given right to rebel against a government that no intention or consideration for its own people. This appealed very well to the public due to the fact that the citizens needed reliance, other than the government, on some sort of plan, which they found in the UNRG. The citizens were tired of promises and plans; they needed something to depend on that was productive and realistic. This increased the number of leftist party members in the country. The central government responded by increasing their involvement in the different districts of the country.The military ran raids in rural towns and native villages the middle of the night, storming through houses killing and slaughtering those who rebelled against the government or had connections or supported the URNG. According to the Peace Pledge Union, a organization the analyzes and studies the complexity of violent conflicts and protest, â€Å"Covert operations were also carried out by the military units called ‘commandos’, backed up by the army and military intelligence. They carried out planned executions and forced ‘disappearances’.Death squads largely made up of criminals, murdered suspected subversives or their allies; under dramatic names, such as ‘the white hand’ or ‘eye for an eye’, they terrorized the country and contributed to the deliberate strate gy of psychological warfare and intimidation. † This is the thousands of lives of men, women and children that were taken over the time period of eleven years. Mass murder resulted in a scare all over the country; citizens were being murdered by their very own people. This made it easier for the URNG to advance even deeper into situation because of all the disarray and confusion among the citizens and the military.Others can say that the nation’s military did their best in suppressing the riots and rebellions by receiving a raise in funds from the government, in an effort to salvage the country. That the military did all in its entirety to benefit the people of Guatemala and to protect them form the revolutionary force that was the leftist URNG. However, their responsiveness toward the dire situation was sluggish and incompetent. The military waited to long for a stable resolution to the conflict, at the expense of thousands of Guatemalan Lives.Others can also say The UNRG revolutionary group was an organization that kept in perspective the progress of the Guatemalan people and not to spread the ideology of Marxism. That the URNG was just a mere organization that wanted to better the lives of the Guatemalan citizens through action, and had no intent or the desire to spread revolutionary and idealistic methods and dogmas. However, even though their intent towards the beginning of the situation was good and beneficial, they realized the need for drastic change overtime, causing them to become more and more power hungry and influential ideologically toward the Guatemalan public.The lives of thousands of Guatemalans could have been salvaged if the national government had better judgment and intention when it came to supplying the public with civil service. If the central government would have remained firm and stable with proper military suppression and keeping civil order in a time of crisis and chaos, the result would have been completely different, and if that would have been kept stable, the revolutionary group would have not been able to stand a chance to the military suppression of the govern ment and therefore would have not been able to justify the lives of thousands with leftist ideology.But it was because of the lack of stability with in the governmental system and the social status, which took the lives of Thousands of Guatemalan people who deserved to die for a better cause and not the failure of people they chose to take control of the nation to make a significant difference. How to cite Guatemalan Genocide, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Math free essay sample

At the end of each unit, DB participation will be assessed based on both level of engagement and the quality of the contribution to the discussion. At a minimum, each student will be expected to post an original and thoughtful response to the DB question and contribute to the weekly dialogue by responding to at least two other posts from students. The first contribution must be posted before midnight (Central Time) on Wednesday of each week. We will write a custom essay sample on Math or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Two additional responses are required after Wednesday of each week. Students are highly encouraged to engage on the Discussion Board early and often, as that is the primary way the university tracks class attendance and participation. The purpose of the Discussion Board is to allow students to learn through sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content and the DB question. Because it is not possible to engage in two-way dialogue after a conversation has ended, no posts to the DB will be accepted after the end of each week. A grandmother is looking for a plan to finance her new grandchild’s college education. She has $50,000 to invest. Search the internet and locate a long-range investment plan, CD, Savings Bond, etc, for the grandmother. The plan is to earn compound interest. Calculate the future value of the investment. You must use the advertised interest rate, the number of compounding periods per year, and the time the funds will be invested. If you are not given the number of compounding periods a year, make it up. 1. The principal is $50,000. This is P. 2. Research the annual interest rate for your investment. This is r. 3. State the time in years for the investment (as in when the new grandchild will be attending college). This is t. 4. State the number of compounding periods per year. This is n. 5. Model the future value of Grandma’s investment as an exponential function, with time as the independent variable: F(t) = P(1 + r/n) nt 6. State the future value of Grandma’s investment. 7. Use the internet or library resources to find the average cost of a college education today; will grandma’s investment be able to cover the cost in today’s dollars; what about in the future? 8. Summarize your findings in writing using proper style and grammar. 9. Include references formatted according to APA style. 10. Respond to a classmate’s posting. If you think there may be an error, feel free to help your classmate without providing the correct answer. Otherwise, analyze the post in comparison to yours or add new information to the discussion. In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings. For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials. | | Math free essay sample If for example the digits | |drawn are 3,6,1 and 2, create a multiplication quiz such as 36 X 12 and ask if any of the students knows how to solve it. Some students may have an idea of how| |to solve it. At this point, some students may know the algorithm but might not have knowledge of the Place Value. | |Tell students that the objective of this class is multiplying two-digit numbers and understanding Place Value in the computation of integers. | |Tell the students what the numerals in the two-digit numbers (36 and 12) represent: 3 and 1 represent tens, while 6 and 2 represent ones. | |Demonstrate how a two-digit multiplication is carried out by multiplying ones times ones, then ones times tens and then adding the products. For example; | | | | | |3 | |6 | | | |x | |1 | |2 | | | | | |7 | |2 | | |3 | |6 | |   | | | |4 | |3 | |2 | | | | | | | |Teacher Modeling | |The teacher will repeat a few examples and ask volunteers to explain | |The teacher will then write three simple quizzes and two relatively complex quizzes in the chart. We will write a custom essay sample on Math or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Every student should correctly do the simple quizzes while the| |complex quizzes will be done in groups. | | | | | | | | |Quizzes to be done individually: | | | |3 | |6 | | | | | |4 | |7 | | | | | |5 | |0 | | |x | |1 | |2 | | | |x | |1 | |2 | | | |x | |1 | |2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Quizzes to be in groups: | | | |3 | |6 | | | | | |4 |7 | | | |x | |4 | |7 | | | |x | |5 | |0 | | | | | | | |Children’s Literature Selection | |McElligot, Matthew. (2009). The Lion’s Share. London: A C Black | |The teacher will reread the book, this time going through each multiplication contained in the story in detail. Occassionally, the teacher might substitute the | |figures in the table with new figures to gauge the understanding of regrouping by the students. | |Guided Student Practice: | |The student will be provided with pencils and papers on which to perform their computations. Groups that have parformed well will be required to assist groups | |that are lagging behind. | |Independent Student Practice: Students who grasp concepts faster are assigned even more challenging/ complex quizzes. Students lagging behind attended to | |individually by the teacher. |Closure: â€Å"In today’s class we have been taught how to multiply two-digit numbers and have learnt, Value Place and regrouping of ones, tens, hundreds and | |thousands. † Students who have successfully completed quiz visit the site www. multiplication. com/games and play interactactive multi plication games to reinforce | |knowledge acquisition. | | Summative Assessment: | |Students assigned homework of 5 relatively more complex multiplication if they successfully completed class assignments. Students correct areas they have done | |wrongly in class assignments using conspicuous markers. | |LESSON REFLECTION | |Describe the outcome of the lesson. | | |There was an apparent understanding of the two-digit multiplication concepts; regrouping of ones into tens and tens into hundreds. | |Describe student performance and state the number of students who achieved the objective on the pre-test and the post-test (Summative Assessment). | | | |Pre-Test: Majority of the students successfully completed the pre-test assignments (13 out of 16). | | | |Post Test: 2 students (out of the three who could not complete the pre-test) scored 2 out of 5 in the class assignment; 1 student got 3 out of 5; 4 scored 4 out| |of 5; and 9 students got everything correct. |Describe an alternative approach for this lesson | | | |For the three students who fail ed to meet the target, ‘refresher’ lessons in multiplication concepts might be required. This might involve a closer one-to-one | |sessions with the underperforming students | |Describe an appropriate lesson to follow this lesson. | | | |Regrouping during multiplication of numbers with decimals | DO NOT ASSIGN HOMEWORK unless the students demonstrate mastery. The parents are important in the lives of their children, but YOU are the teacher.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Management theories

Introduction Henri Fayol is believed to be the founder of contemporary management theory which is drawn from his extensive experience in the management field. In other words, he is acknowledged for his contribution in the field of management, having established a foundation for modern management theory.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Management theories specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Despite the fact that the Fayol management theories were developed in the 1900s, they continue to play an integral role in modern society. For instance, Pryor and Taneja (2010, p. 490) note that the 14 principles of management developed by Fayol are considered the basis for management as witnessed in modern organizations. The purpose of the essay is to show that in spite of the criticisms levelled on Fayol’s management theories, they still form a foundation of management in modern society. Body Modern organizations develop strategies, goals, and plans which act as guidance to an organization in achieving its objectives. This observation has been supported by Wren (2001, p.482) who note that Fayol acted as a strategist in making strategic decisions when he was head of management at Comambault. In addition, he had set long term organizational goals which were: profitability, restoring confidence to shareholders, ensuring that the organization remained competitive, and maintaining the welfare of employees (Wren 2001, p.482). All these activities which are based on the administrative aspect of management theory as applied by Fayol are part of modern management where organizations plan, set goals, and strategize. Furthermore, organizational managers act as representatives of shareholders, set goals and plan how to execute the goals. As a result, most organizations have adopted these three activities to ensure the welfare of different stakeholders is achieved. Profit maximization and gaining a competitive a dvantage over competitors are also major drivers of modern organizations which are pioneered by organizational managers. Although these examples are drawn from the mining sector where Fayol was the managing director and CEO, the perspective is still applicable.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, critics have been quick to note that Fayol used authoritarian form of leadership to execute his administrative abilities which may not be applicable in modern organizations (Brunson 2008, p.32). Nevertheless, the author adds that if a manager is asked the kind of responsibilities that he/she is entitled, the ultimate response would be planning, organizing, controlling, and controlling. Management in an organization leads to effectiveness and efficiency in the running of an organization. As noted by McLean (2011, p.32), as the managing director Fayol emphasised a lot on what man agement entails, how it could be executed and how it could be applied to achieve effectiveness and efficiency. In addition, he concluded by noting that the role of management was forecasting, planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. This led to the development of different roles of management in an organization in order to achieve success and financial breakthrough or survive economic and financial crises. As regards the element of forecasting and planning, a manager should be in a position to forecast and undertake an analysis of the environment in which an organization operates (McLean 2011, p. 33). These managerial activities have continued to be practiced in contemporary management especially in the global markets characterized by high levels of change, increased competition, and increase in demand from customers. As noted by Pryor and Taneja (2010, p.491), Fayol gave organizations the managerial role of planning upon his engagement in managerial post.Adve rtising We will write a custom essay sample on Management theories specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Planning and forecasting have since been adopted by organization in ensuring that they play an integral role in safeguarding the interests of different stakeholders. He also held on the belief that it was the role of the management structure to organize different parts of an organization such as resources, organizational systems, infrastructure, services, processes, and procedures which ensures that an organization fully achieve its ultimate end goals. Organizations are made of different players who have different skills such as managerial and technical skills. These two elements are part of the six activities which Fayol believed were crucial to organizational success. In this context, Pryor and Taneja (2010, p.491) keenly observe that Fayol emerged as the first theorist to make a distinction between managerial and technical skill s. The distinction made was that employees at various levels within an organization required technical skills. This is because such skills would assist in the completion of different tasks in organizational levels. He added that even employees in management levels required a bit of technical skills which would be applied in the management of the production process. On the other hand, Fayol’s theory holds that managerial skills are important to employees who assume more responsibilities in managerial positions of an organization. The argument made here is that managerial skills are only necessary to employees who hold managerial positions while technical skills are important to all employees in an organization. What emerges in this point is that despite the need for proficient skills to all employees, some skills are for all people in an organization while others are to be found in a particular group. This can be illustrated fully in the turnaround of Comambault where Fayol ex hibited both his technical abilities as an engineer as well as a manager (Wren 2001, p. 484). The advantage of having technical skills is that a manager is able to use his expertise combined with managerial capabilities to effectively and efficiently run an organization.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Fayol has been credited for his role in developing the 14 principles of management (Pryor and Taneja (2010, p.491). The 14 principles of management were designed solely with the objective of guiding a manager to undertake his/her daily managerial activities. According to Parker and Ritson (2005, p.176), these principles have been designed in such a way as to assist managers in running successful organizations. One of the major principles applied in modern organizations is division of labour. Division of labour is used in reference to the distribution of work to different employees or groups so as to reduce the time taken by an individual or a group (Rodrigues 2001, p. 881). Based on this explanation, division of labour encourages specialization which reduces efforts for a group or an individual. In addition, division of labour develops familiarity and better work practices. The success of this concept can be drawn from Fayol application where he divided workers into different groups depending on their skills and expertise. This improved the overall performance and reduced the time taken in carrying out tasks. The argument can be supported by Pryor and Taneja (2010, p.491) who note that division of labour in organizations encourages specialization which increases speed and level of performance. Speed and high level of performance improves efficiency in the workplace by encouraging employees to perform more efficiently thus saving time (Rodrigues 2001, p. 881). In addition, employees are divided into small groups and the group elements are allocated job depending on their specialization and skills. The only limitation is that it leads to group identification which may have a negative effect. Managers execute their obligation as custodians of the shareholders because of the responsibility and authority endowed in them. As noted by Pryor and Taneja (2010, p.491), Fayol acknowledged the need for managers to have authority over others and show responsibility so that an organization can achieve its organizational objectives. The implication made is that for an organization to achieve its ultimate goals, managers have to exercise authority which comes with responsibility. Fayol gave the distinction between authority and responsibility and warned that authority should never be confused with responsibility. As noted by Parker and Ritson (2005, p.176), authority is considered as the power of an individual to give orders to a group of people. In addition, authority is used to exact obedience in the workplace which creates harmony and a better working environment. Responsibility arises from exercising of authority over others in the workplace. Whenever a manager exercises authority to employees, different parties play their part in an organization. Managers have the responsibility to ensure that an organization operates smoothly. This can be achieved by exercising authority over subordinate members of the organization. McLean (2011, p.33) and Rodrigu es (2001, p. 882) note that managers play the role or coordinating activities in the workplace which is carried through the exercise of authority and responsibility. Some of the activities in modern management which require authority include harmonizing and unifying organizational efforts and activities. Despite the many benefits of the concepts of responsibility and authority, there are also disadvantages such as the abuse of authority and power by managers. In order for employees to execute their roles without any hindrance such as strikes and stoppages, remuneration is deemed important. Remuneration emerges as one of Fayol’s management principles, and according to Parker and Ritson (2005, p.176), the management of an organization should offer a fair remuneration to its employees. In addition, Fayol has described remuneration as the price an organization pays for the services rendered by its employees. In the modern organization, remuneration is paid in the form of salaries and wages. Furthermore, employees in any organization are paid based on performance or their level of value to such an organization. Fayol goes to the extent of explaining that there are different types of numeration which organizations offer to its employees (Pryor Taneja 2010, p. 492; Rodrigues 2001, p. 883). The different types of numeration as stated by Fayol include non-financial and financial incentives, profit sharing, piece rates, job and time. All these different forms of compensation play an integral role in an organization such as boosting employee’s morale and motivating employees to increase their performance levels. Compensation should be fairly carried in an organization to ensure that all employees are satisfied. Subsequently, harmony and understanding is achieved in the workplace which increases the level of production. Wren, Bedeian and Breeze (2002, p. 913) observe that remuneration is used to stimulate individual employee initiative which plays an integr al role in innovation and creativity. Therefore, the principle of remuneration is often applied by managers to carry out different tasks which may include other aspects such as personal satisfaction, self respect, and self interest. A manager is charged with the responsibility of ensuring discipline, unity of action, and order in an organization. The observation is supported by Wren et al. (2002, p.911) and Rodrigues (2001, p. 881) observations that different departments have different functionalities which work harmoniously under the leadership of a manager. In other words, managers play an administrative role as showcased by Fayol who was an administrator. Order and discipline are some of administrative management principles which were devised by Fayol (Parker Ritson 2005, p.176). Restoring and maintaining order in an organization involves organization and commanding people. These activities revolve around the principle of authority (Wren Bedeian 2009, p. 223). For a firm to att ain prosperity, unity of command is carried out. What this means is that a superior should give orders to employees which should come from the ruling authority. Fayol was keen to observe that dual command is more likely to result in conflict as it threatens stability, discipline, and authority (Rodrigues 2001, p. 882). Although the term commanding seems more authoritative in the 21st century when applied in some organizations, at the time, Fayol used the term to describe the responsibility a manager has in leading and directing employees towards the achievement of organizational goals. As noted by Maclean (2011, p.33), organizations in the 21st century use the term leadership instead of command as meaning of the process of influencing, directing and motivating employees to execute their role to work towards the realization of organizational objectives and goals. All these are achieved through order, discipline and unity of action (Parker Ritson 2005, p.176). Conclusion To sum it up , although Henri Fayol’s theories have been criticised on more than one occasion, nonetheless, they still form the basis for contemporary management theory. The main objective of the current essay was to show that despite these criticisms, the theory still finds application in modern organizations at the management level. Fayol was able to distinguish between responsibility and authority and to show how the two terms find application in organizations. In addition, he came up with the different roles of managers such as planning, setting goals, strategizing, and commanding, controlling and coordinating employees in the workplace. Employees are paid for their services through the remuneration process. Managers maintain order, discipline, and setting of goals. Through management principles, an organization is able to run effectively and efficiently. Therefore, although the Fayol theories on management have some flaws, they still form a very important part of modern leadership an d management. Reference List Brunsson, KH 2008, ‘Some Effects of Fayolism’, International Studies of Management Organisation, vol. 38, no. 1, pp 30-47. McLean, J 2011, ‘Fayol – standing the test of time’, British Journal of Administrative Management, Spring, pp 32-33. Parker, LD Ritson, PA 2005, ‘Revisiting Fayol: Anticipating Contemporary Management’, British Journal of Management, vol. 16, pp 175-194. Pryor, MG Taneja, S 2010 ‘Henri Fayol, practitioner and theoretician – revered and reviled’, Journal of Management History, vol. 16, no.4, pp. 489-503. Rodrigues, C A 2001, ‘Fayol’s 14 principles of management then and now: a framework for managing today’s organizations effectively’, Management Decision, vol. 39 no. 10, pp. 880-889. Wren, DA 2001, ‘Henri Fayol as strategist: a nineteenth century corporate turnaround’, Management Decision, vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 475-487. Wren, DA, Bedeian, AG Breeze, JD 2002, ‘Functions of Henri Fayol’s administrative theory’, Management Decision, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 906-918. Wren DA Bedeian AG 2009, The evolution of management thought, John Wiley Sons, New York. This essay on Management theories was written and submitted by user Payton Kelly to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. Management Theories

Monday, November 25, 2019

Hrm Evaluation and Hrm Models Essays

Hrm Evaluation and Hrm Models Essays Hrm Evaluation and Hrm Models Essay Hrm Evaluation and Hrm Models Essay Introduction The study of HRM evolves from the personnel management since from the industrial revolution age. During that time two types of perspectives are widely prevalent one is Pluralist and the other is Unitarist. There lies a significant difference between the two. As per Pluralist a multinational organization basically consists of large no. of subgroups where loyalty lies in each subgroup, whereas as per Unitarist it is a single entity which flourishes in harmony. In pluralist, the two important subgroups are trade union and management, whereas as per Unitarist it is unique. Analoui, 1999) Over the year the same thoughts prevail, but with the emergence of HRM and modern business strategies, many changes occurred in the field of HRM and can be explained with the help of various models. Multinational organizational structure, Multinational organizational strategy and HRM are interrelated. A large no. of models has been derived to discuss this and one such model is the beer Model . This model acts as a map or guide to develop strategy pertaining to relationships among all the employees. It basically concentrates on the soft aspects of HRM. It basically gives importance to the employee commitment rather than control. It is also based on the premise that employees needed to be congruent, cost effective and competent. This model is very successful in explaining various strategies adopted by the multinational organization as reward system leads to better job performance. However it is criticized on the resource based perspective that it disrupts the business focus of the multinational organization and also distorts the cost minimization and the profit maximization. ( Beer (1984)) Significant of HRM and Multinational organizational behavior as per various Models HRM and organizational behavior plays an important role in devising strategy to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the multinational organization. Various models are there which are helping the multinational organization to achieve their goals. The various problem faced by a multinational organization during following phases are given below. Scholars of HR suggested various models which is widely used by multinational companies as given in the following sections:- Problem to select right candidates during recruitment can be better explained by self efficacy model. ? LMX Model to define relationship between Manager and subordinates ? Job Characteristics Model to solve the problem of the characteristic of ideal job ? Goal Setting Model to prepare performance appraisal. Self Efficacy Model The term self-efficacy is used to describe an individual’s perception of how competent they find themsel ves and their abilities to achieve complex tasks. People with strong self-efficacy are more likely to accept more responsibility and accept more challenging tasks. They also believe that no obstacles can get in the way from stopping them achieve their goals. Individuals with low self-efficacy are more apt to looking as difficult tasks as intimidating and do not believe they that are capable of achieving personal success. Self-efficacy is something that is important in any multinational organization. However, it is more important at any multinational organization to hire individuals who have a High level of self-efficacy so that employee perceives themselves capable of achieving many complex tasks. This could prove to be an issue within the multinational organization because individuals could become bored or feel not challenged by the tasks designated in their position, which could lead to frustration for the employees and employer. Hence, Challenging tasks should be given to such individuals. An individual with moderate level of self-efficacy provides opportunity for the multinational organization to designate tasks to that are challenging, but also still attainable. It is good to hire large no. of employees of this category. Hence, multinational organization is using it to compare the self efficacy of the person with job requirements so that right person will be put at right place. This can be done in the following ways:- 1) An individual with moderate level of self-efficacy provides opportunity for the organization to designate tasks to that are challenging, but also still attainable. It is good to hire large no. of employees of this category. 2) The individuals with low self-efficacy can pose a problem for any multinational organization as they might hinder the productivity and success of the organization. Hence, in order to ensure more confident and driven individuals, it could moderately delegate more difficult tasks to these individuals in order to boost their confidence and the way they perceive themselves. Also, they could provide more positive feedback in their jobs and reinforce that the individual is doing well at their job. Leadership Model It is a model that suggests that leaders develop different relationships with each of their subordinates only through work related activities. There are two important groups to consider that a subordinate may fall under depending on which phase they fit into. The in group is defined as a low number of subordinates with high LMX relationships. The second group is known as the out group in which the number of subordinates is large and contains relatively low level LMX relationships (Hellriegel 323). Employees who find themselves in the out-group are likely to face high job turnover. This should be important to all management because high turnover is a very large investment for the multinational organization. The level of LMX has a significant relationship to subordinates satisfaction with their manager. Employees with lower LMX are more dissatisfied, less motivated, and more prone to quit whereas employees with higher LMX are likely to be satisfied with their work, more motivated, and committed to staying and contributing to the multinational organization (Hellriegel 323). LMX has three critical components which are mutual affection, contribution to work activities, and professional respect. When a subordinate has high mutual affection for a superior, the subordinate likes the superior as a person and will often come to the superior’s defense if attacked. High contribution to work activities comes into play when a subordinate goes above and beyond their job description to help the superior out. High Professional Respect is when the superior admires the subordinate’s knowledge and competence of the job (Hellriegel 323). Multinational companies are widely using it in the following ways for the betterment of relationship between manager and subordinates in the following ways:- ) It explains that generally if an organization doesn’t take steps to increase the mutual affection score of its staff then they will likely to enter the realm of the out group which could potentially lead to the employee leaving the organization because Why stay at an organization if you’re not happy with your manager? 2) One way management can increase the mutual affectio n is to take a more active role and listen to the complaints of the employees and to take the time to establish supportive and trusting relationships with the employees. ) Another suggestion as per this model might be to engage the staff in team building activities and icebreakers. It can be concluded that if the superiors and managers of any organization are not providing proper support to their staff and then there is need to make a drastic change soon because the organization as a whole could be affected. 4) Some possible solutions from this external factor might include taking the time to reassess what kind of support is needed for staff. One way to do this is anonymous comment cards. Have all the employees fill out comment cards anonymously and identify specific instances where an employee failed to receive support. This must be down anonymously by the employer because the employee might be unwilling to respond for fear of termination. 5) The manager may have a tendency to interact with other employees in an unprofessional manner. The manager can decrease this perception by keeping to policy or by adjusting his/her interactions in front of employees. 6) Management needs to do a better job of developing better relationships with its employees. Some improvement strategies include the use of assertive communication, appropriate communication openness, and constructive feedback with all of the subordinates. Job Characteristics Model The job characteristics model has to do with the idea of increasing the amounts of five job characteristics: skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback in a job. This model can be related to any multinational organization and its HRM strategy building since it looks into how well an employee has the opportunity to be motivated to work in the restaurant. It highlights the areas that need work in the restaurant and what the employees enjoy or dislike about working there. It also demonstrates which employees are content with working there for a while and which view it as a stepping stone towards another opportunity that has not yet befallen upon them. The model demonstrates a need for change in the structure of a multinational organization in case it wants to increase their employee’s motivation to continue their work there. Generally, there are two main approaches recommended to superiors for designing/redesigning jobs which are vertical loading and the formation of natural work teams. Vertical loading is when tasks that were considered reserved for management level staff are delegated to all employees. It includes the power to set schedules, decide work methods, breaks, and seek solutions to their own problems. Goal Setting Model Goal setting is a very integral part of any job. Whether you are attempting to better yourself or complete a project, setting goals is one of the most helpful tools to assist you throughout the process. Goal setting can definitely help a business in raising their standards for employees which will end up helping the bottom line. The goal setting model that we used for our survey seems to have a big impact on job performance. According to the model, if employees felt good about the goals they set, they were better at their jobs. It basically consists of five essential pieces must come together in order for the managers to gain benefits of a goal setting program. The first piece is that the person must be knowledgeable about the topic of the specified goal and have the sufficient capacity to attain the goal. The second step is that the person must be committed to the goal, especially if the goal is difficult. The third step is that people need feedback on their goals. According to the text, employees will raise their performance because they are afraid they will have past performance. The forth step is that complex tasks must be broken up into simpler more short term goals so that the goals can be attained. It is stated in the text that employees are more responsive when they know about their progress. The fifth and final piece is to have a situation constraint. One of the most important aspects of a leader is to ensure that employees have the resources to attain their goals and to help eliminate any troubles that may lie in the way. Now to discuss some of the benefits that goal setting can have on performance. According to the Don Hellreigel text, Goal setting motivates individuals to achieve high performance. Some of the benefits stem from developing difficult goals. When it comes to an multinational organization for example a restaurant, such goal setting can be setting goals for a certain dollar amount each table waited on per person. The benefits is that it will motivate people to develop aim to reach goals. It also helps people to focus their attention on goal-relevant action, and encouraging people to develop action plans to reach these goals. Conclusion From the discussion mentioned above by using various models of HRM, it is clear that HRM plays an important role in designing strategy of an multinational organization in all three levels i. e. corporate level, SBU level and operational level. It is clearly shown that how strategy can be derived in all these levels using these models. In the similar way the bath models also give importance to external factors of AMO i. e Ability, Motivation and Opportunity to devise the various strategies of the HRM. (John Purcell,2004) The seven principles filling the strategic gap of HR are as follows:- 1) It tells there must be sufficient employees with desired skill which is also mentioned by Self efficacy model to carry task at multinational organization. 2) There must be enough motivation as explained through job characteristic model to give desired performance. ) There must be opportunities given which is also explained through job characteristic model to perform job. 4) Responsibilities of line manager as explain by the Leadership theory to develop those qualities in their subordinates. 5) Distinction between policies and practices as per job characteristic model is the heart of bath model for better performance. 6) Job enrichment needs to maintain better performance 7) Consistencies in policies for efficiency and effectiv eness. References ? Analoui, F. 1999), Strategic Human Resource Management: Towards Constructing a Choice Model. ? Bagshaw M (2004) â€Å"Is diversity divisive? A positive training approach†, Industrial and Commercial Training 36, 4, 153-157 ? Beer, M. , Spector, B. , Lawrence, P. R. , Mills, D. Q. , Walton, R. E. (1984), A Conceptual View of HRM ? Hellriegel, Don, John W. Slocum. Multinational organizational Behavior. Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning, 3rd edition, 2009. ? John Purcell, Bath Model , University of Bath, 2004

Thursday, November 21, 2019

No topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

No topic - Assignment Example The Occupational Safety and health Administration (OSHA) Act was established in 1970 and its sole purpose was to ensure that employees were provided for good working conditions by authorizing the enactment of all the laws under the act, assisting the states to provide a good working environment, provision of information, education, research and training. The standards require that the employers must inform employees about the potential dangers they are exposed to and train them on how to respond in case any injury or fatality occurs. Under the Occupational health and Safety Administration act, it gives certain rights and responsibilities to the employer and employees that are essential in preventing hazards and illnesses in the working place. The Act also requires that an employer adopts certain practices and policies that are necessary and appropriate to protect the workers .The Occupational Safety and health Administration (OSHA) Act does not cover self employed people, immediate family members who work in family farms, workers of the states and local government who have their own rules and other federal agencies under the Federal laws. The employers must understand that multiple standards will apply to one particular situation because a situation may have different requirements and each requirement is governed by different standa rds. For the standards to become part of Occupational Safety and health Administration (OSHA), it involves a process of drafting the proposed standard then publishing it in the federal register and finally gathering information of those who may have interest in it. After this, the Occupational Safety and health Administration (OSHA) office may then pass a law in the register. The Act originated from the United States congress due to the many work related injuries and fatalities experienced then. The congress authorized the office of Occupational Safety and health Administration (OSHA) to put

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

History of Conde Naste Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

History of Conde Naste - Essay Example Here, in this paper a well known company named Conde Nast’s marketing strategies and business model is to be discussed so as to analyze its market position. This paper helps in identifying the strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats of the company, particularly in dealing with changing market environment, competition and digital development as business models. The founder of Conde Nast Publication (CNP) was Conde Montrose Nast. This company was established in the year 1907 by him, which is now a part of the Advanced Publication. It is also a renowned name in the industry of journalism and magazine of America along with other developed countries as well. Now-a-days this magazine empire is owned by Si Newhouse Jr. and goes by the name of Conde Nast. With over 30 prestigious magazines under its umbrella, including the titles of Fairchild Publications, the organization is one of the best known magazine conglomerates in the world. The company is particularly well known for its fashion magazines. The organization has also established a mark for its impressive headquarters and well designed cafeteria (Conde Nast, â€Å"Conde Nast home†). Conde Nast is the parent company to some of the globally renowned glossy magazines. It incorporates every specialized magazine, straddling topics as diverse as sports, architecture, gourmet cuisine, travel, literature, fashion, social life and observations, home decoration and popular culture. By the 1990s, the organization accommodated more than thirteen high profile magazines including Architectural Digest, Vanity Fair, Vogue, Street and Smiths Sports Group, Interest in House & Garden, Glamour, Mademoiselle, Brides, Self, Gentlemens Quarterly, Gourmet, Bon Appà ©tit, Condà © Nasts Traveller, Details, and Allure. It even developed a plan of introducing online internet based publications and magazines. Earlier, in 1909 the famous magazine Vogue

Monday, November 18, 2019

Brand Management - Create a new sub-brand for Ted Baker plc (new make Essay

Brand Management - Create a new sub-brand for Ted Baker plc (new make up range) - Essay Example bulences within the British and the international market, the firm needs to prepare in advance a careful plan for the relevant initiative estimating the effectiveness and the feasibility of this project in the long term. In order to design the plan related with a specific product, we should primarily examine its potential market in terms of the customers’ preferences as they have been observed in relation with similar products. In this context, it is suggested by Henderson et al. (2000, 112) that ‘the building of a brand starts with a precise definition of the target customer group and its needs and expectations and proceeds to a realistic assessment of how well the brand currently meets them’. From a similar point of view, Dennis et al. (2002, 355) noticed that ‘branding is well known for consumer products but power has shifted from manufacturers brands towards retailers while the term image is more common than brand in the context of shopping centres, but branding may become more important’. In accordance with the above, the design and the development of a brand can be a challenging task especially when the targeted market is a competitive one (like in the case of UK). The proposed product will include a series of sub-products. More specifically, the firm is interested in launching a series of make up products including: a make up crà ¨me, a make up powder, a mix – make up product (crà ¨me and powder in one product) and a compact make up product which will be characterized for its long duration. The careful examination of the British market – especially of the specific sector – showed that this market is offered for the specific product. More specifically, in accordance with a series of statistics published by Market Research Portal (2006) the value of British cosmetics market is estimated to approximately 1.5 billion Euros for 2006. On the other hand, it is noticed that ‘over the past five years the make-up market has seen vibrant growth of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy

Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy The scandal between Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy was a very deviant scandal. It brought madness in every which way. Not only was it just an affair but it also was a huge blackmail set up by none other than Ms. Marilyn Monroe. Norma Jeane Mortenson otherwise known as Marilyn Monroe was born June 1, 1926 and died August 5, 1962. Monroe was an American Actress, model, and singer who was best known for playing dumb blonde characters. During the 1950s Marilyn Monroe became known to be the American sex symbol due to her attitude. Even though MS.Monroe had a pretty decent life and was very successful she always seem to struggle with depression and anxiety ever since she was little.Due to her mental health problems Ms.Monroe relied on the use of drugs and alcohol very heavily. John Fitzgerald Kennedy born on May 29, 1917 and died November 22, 1963. JFK was the 35th president of the United States of America his presidency was a time of high tension in the country due to ongoing conflicts with Cuba during this time in history. Some of these issues were the Cuban Missile Crisis, Peace Corps, Space Race developments and many more to go along with these few stated. His presidency lasted until 1961 when he was assassinated in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1961 By Lee Harvey Oswald and there were many conspiracies that came about after this event.Then moving on to the Marilyn Monroe and JFK scandal. This was one of the biggest scandals of the time and even to date to today. The way that Marilyn Monroe and JFK met was Peter Lawford and his wife Pat (JFKs sister) invited Marilyn to a dinner in New York honoring JFK for being the president and this was when they first met. The biggest part of the scandal was the blackmail, Monroe had JFK give her more than one million dollars for the young actresses silence. Another big part of the scandal was all the stories the reporters made up to earn a profit, which didnt include the biography called The Secret Life Of Monroe by J Randy which was published after Marilyn Monroes death. Also going along with the books and constant reports of the affair there was a porno that was kept from the public in a vault of 40+ years that is worth 1.6 million dollars and was owned by a son of a dead FBI agent and was kept private for a long time until its sale to a businessman who remains anonymous but still remains to keep it private because he want to respect Ms.Monroe. During this supposed porno it was only her giving oral sex to a man that was suggested to be JFK. Thi s was one of the facts that was never proven if it was Kennedy receiving the oral sex or not due to the tape being locked away for so long and also the males face was covered. Therefore this sandal has had people wondering for over 40 years (World Book Online). The circumstances surrounding the affair to start off with one of the major issues wouldve been Marilyn telling Jackie of the affair and it coming out public it could have caused some serious issues considering the time period it happened in. Even if it happened today it wouldve still caused major issue. Eventually this love affair would come out over a shocking phone call between the first lady and Marilyn Monroe about how the chief and commander promised to marry her along with many other things that came out during the calls. On the other hand during this time the public found out how there were thousands of dollars that went down the drain due to the affair and the money that was used to keep Monroe silent. Although there seemed to be a lot that ended up getting leaked about the affair there were many things that were never proven, such as if Ms.Monroes death was a suicide or a murder, some thought it was a suicide others felt it was a murder. Throughout the time of the affair no sexual relationship was ever established due to Kennedy never being willing to admit it. So it was all just Marilyn Monroe telling her best friend it was the whole time and from reports she was telling her that she was carrying on sexual relations with the president. This occurred around the time she sang Happy Birthday Mr. President in a sexual manner to JFK in 1962. This was when everyone started to question their relationship as more than friends and more so sexual than not. No one ever knew exactly how long this affair had lasted due to both of them dying an untimely death (CBS News) . The effects of this would ultimately make the government look bad if this came out to the public because the most powerful man in the country wouldve been doing things that were not the classiest and he was cheating on his wife which is not a good look for the public. JFK was wasting a massive amount of money to keep Ms.Monroe quiet throughout the years with the million of dollars annually which when the public found out that the money he was wasting was on her made him look even worse which affected many people in the long run. The people who seem to be affected in the long run were the people that worked for him because reporters always seem to be questioning them to see what they might know about the affair and what was going on completely. Also his wife was affected more than anything. Not only did she have to face the heartbreak that her husband was cheating on her but also the embarrassment of going out in public and getting questioned by the press about it was very terrifying for Jackie. Jackie wasnt the only one who was affected, Marilyn Monroe as well she became very distressed once it hit the public she just couldnt handle it,another thing that happened based on the situation was Marilyn Monroes drug and alcohol intake increased heavily once everyone found out about it to the point it was unhealthy her life was based off from pil ls and alcohol even more than before. All and all the out come in this scandal didnt turn out well. After the affair ended Marilyn Monroe died from an overdose many people think it was intentional others believe she was a murdered but it was never proven which one really happened but it was for sure a overdose (PBS.Org). Roughly a year later JFK had been assassinated in Dallas when he was at a public event by Lee Harvey Oswald, who later got gunned down by Jack Ruby (JFK library.org). Monroe and Kennedy death were very close together which people found really suspicious and the gossip still continued even though both of them had passed and a lot of money was still involved. The most talked about time which was mentioned before was when Ms.Monroe sang Happy Birthday to JFK in a very sexual manner at Madison Square Gardens which was filled with 15,000 people when Ms.Monroe sang to JFK. After Marilyn Monroes death her dress that she wore when she sang happy birthday to the president was sold for $3 million after she had pas sed (AbcNews) . That wasnt the only thing that had been sold the watch that Marilyn Monroe gave Kennedy for his birthday was worth over 2.6 million dollars it was a Rolex watch inscribed Jack with love always from Ms.Monroe. Which later on JFK order his aide to get rid of it but the unidentified aide kept the rolex until it was sold when Kennedy had passed. On the other hand Kennedys valuable items werent the other thing that was sold Ms.Monroes dress was sold as mentioned before along with her jewelry which included her Rolex that matched JFKs Rolex she gave him as a birthday gift. Altogether Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy were talked about even after they both had passed and many people were still trying to find out what really happen by contacting their family or close friends. The most focused on topic was Marilyn Monroes dress she wore when she sang Happy Birthday to JFK which was Mentioned before but after her overdose the dress she wore at Madison Square Gardens was some thing that was sold for a lot of money.Marilyn Monroes legendary sheer, crystal-emblazoned dress, which she wore in May 1962 to sing Happy Birthday, Mr. President to John F. Kennedy, sold at auction for a record-breaking $4.8 million, Juliens Auctions announced Friday.Although people made money off auctioning the diseased Ms.Monroe personal items that wasnt the only thing they did many reporters made journals about the affair which led to books being published about the Scandal, than eventually became shows that talked about the scandal and even a documentary. So as you can see this was a very known Scandal that is talked about to this day and will always be talked about its still a mystery on what really what happened, whats really true and whats just made up. Things that were proven for a fact was that Ms.Monroe was for sure blackmailing the president for money when they had their affair she even had the mob in on it Thats why so many people think Marilyn Monroe was murdered due t o the finding out of her black mail manys conclude that John F. Kennedy was mad when he found out the truth about the blackmail was angry about it and hired someone to kill Ms.Monroe and made it look like a overdose.]

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Kate Thoma Position Paper In John Caputo’s book, What Would Jesus Deconstruct? Caputo discusses his views on the world’s actions and whether or not they are reflective of what Jesus wanted. Caputo believes that society is not just falling short of what Jesus wanted but in many cases failing entirely to follow Jesus’ orders. Caputo discusses several important issues including war and abortion. However, Caputo concludes that everyone, including devout Christians, need to realize the world is not living according to the teachings of Jesus. An important issue that Caputo discusses is wars. To be more accurate, the idea of ‘just wars.’ In Caputo’s opinion Jesus would hate that wars are happening throughout the world and find the idea of a ‘just war’ as ludicrous. In fact, it is explained that the concept of a ‘just war’ was not even created until four centuries after the death of Jesus in order for Christians to maintain power over Rome. As Caputo puts it, â€Å"The only just war is the war against war† (Caputo pg#). Additionally, Caputo keeps mentioning this idea of a ‘just war’ being justified as a lesser evil, but that does not make it just, so to speak. Caputo argues that if Jesus were to be considered a political thinker then Jesus would be a pacifist, as depicted in the New Testament. This means that under no circumstances would war be considered as an option to Jesus. Rather, every conflict would be settled through peaceful negotiations. Caputo goe s even further explaining that if Jesus held political power in today’s day and age, then the U.S. Department of Defense’s budget would be nonexistent because there would be no need to fund their cause. However, the Christian Right continues to support the U.S. in going to war. Furthermo... ... against making abortion illegal. The Christian Right are mostly opposed to increasing taxation, however if abortion were to be made illegal, then the government would need to get the money to pay for these children somehow. I also found it interesting that the reason Catholics restrict the use of birth control is due to a threat to the population that does not even exist anymore. It makes no sense for the Catholic Church to continue ruling out the use of contraception, especially because Jesus never even talked of this issue. However, that is the issue. Jesus never talked about the issue of abortion either. I must agree with Caputo though, Jesus would not be preaching against abortions but rather taking in both perspectives and seeing the difficulty in the situation. Just like Caputo I find that much of society is not living by the rules Jesus told us to live by.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Consumer Behavior In The Fashion Industry Essay

Introduction This study is aimed at analyzing the consumer behavior towards the fashion industry especially in consideration young and mature women in London. Fashions are concerned with the production of fashion clothing. Most consumers in the world today are concerned with the features of the product as they form most important factor in determining the consumer behaviors. Take for example of products of fashion show for young and mature women. The industry is involved in the manufacture clothing. Due to increase and growth of consumerism, the clothing should come up with clothes that make women move with times thus increasing consumption and production. Consumer behavior in the automotive industry especially in consideration to general motors is influenced by culture factors, social factors, Personal factors and Psychological factors. Look more:  the consumer buying process begins when essay RESEARCH OBJECTIVES   The answers to this question will enhance my professional knowledge and competence in many ways.   As a professional I will understand factors influencing consumption in the industry and will enable me make recommendations on improving the fashions market share.The answers to this question also will assist me as a professional by motivating me to ensure that that I work improves their products. 1)To review literature on fashion behaviour and the factors influencing 2)To compare and contrast the buying behaviour of mature and young woman in London regarding buying of fashion clothing 3)To identified the key factors influencing the buying process of fashion clothing in young and mature woman in London 4)To provide recommendation to manufacture of fashion clothing and fashion retailer. Scope of the study The scoop of the study follows literature review of factors influencing. The researcher manages the entire gamut of processes from initial stage of identifying the problem to final stage of report writing. The capabilities required by the researcher in this research in managing the entire project and providing real time for information sharing, decision synchronization and research optimization to all stake holders. What are necessary attribute required by a researcher to manage the dynamics of marketing based on the requirements by industry. However, this study assumes that other factors like family background financial, stability of the family place of birth, race, have no impact on the consumer behaviors. The proposed study will be used as a supplementary framework to focus entirely on the competence of the research. The objects of the study will include; Experimental Correlation Survey Grounded theory Ethnography Narrative Mixed method Action research. This study will be based on a process based on experiment using practical’s as a platform to develop method which will be used as evaluation criteria for the research and researcher in this research question and future researchers The critical review Literature review Consumer behavior in the consumption of any product any where in the world is influenced by culture factors, social factors, Personal factors and Psychological factors. Culture factors In world today culture is one of the most fundamental determinants for one when deciding the product to consume. This is because of a wide range of products and services.   Most of the people due to their cultural influence have started preferring certain products.   Children growing up will learn the culture of parents or peers thus preferring specific values that are crucial to a determining consumption. One of the values they like most is comfort.   These values common in children remain in them even if they grow up. From the culture, somebody may develop certain spending patterns is not something strange.   A child growing up in specific culture is exposed to achievement, success, beliefs and other cultural factors that influence behavior towards consumption. Cultural factors real influence a consumer behavior. Where people believe in values like efficiency and practicality it will influence their consumption is such a situation products that are known to be very efficient in their operations will be preferred. Each culture consists of smaller subcultures that provide more specific identifications.   To its some people consist of racial groups such as the Africans, Americans, Europeans and Asian each have good distinct cultural styles.   They are known to prefer products for example consumption of pork may be rare in middle east because culture and religion. Social factor   Another factors consumer behavior is greatly influenced by social factors like statuses, family and reference groups.   When once goes to the market to purchase a product he will take consideration to his membership groups, social class and family.   These are groups having direct influence to once buying decisions.   These are the groups one associates with most of his time. We have some groups like the upper class prefer buying some products which are not preferred by lower class.   Since companies produces many types of products that fulfill needs this groups and attracts many people.   The influence of a family is very great.   These families using specifics brands greatly encourage their family members to also consume similar products. Co-worker also influence one’s buying decision.   If a boss buys a given commodity the juniors will also try to buy the same. People are also influenced by reference groups in three ways.   Reference groups usually expose a person to a new behavior and lifestyle.   One can belong to a group whose lifestyle believes at consuming a certain product.   If a company produces high quality brands it stands at a better chance of making more sales to such reference group. Reference groups also influence one’s attitudes because their desires fit in these groups. People may prefer some products from a certain company, hence once could like to join his friend or family member towards belonging to the same social class by buying a that product. Also reference groups influence similarity and conformity that may make a person to alive at a specific decision.   So doing one will eventually buy a product similar to that of his friend. People who are in the same social class share similar values, interests, and behavior.   For example there is upper class people who are social elite with a good family background. Personal factors Age and life cycle stage greatly influence consumer buying behavior of almost all products from all industries. Most Bachelors tend to prefer specific brands associated by most youths. But those who are newly married, young and better of financially prefer buying consume different products. In making the final decision of buying a product one’s personal characteristics like his age and life-cycle stage, lifestyle, occupation, economic circumstances and personality will influence his choice. Companies take much consideration to personal characteristics of various groups of people before coming up with a product in order to meet the needs and demand of its people. A child growing up and exposed to some values like material comfort, external comfort and achievement and success will be influenced by those characteristics to consume. For example in America people like buying products that gives them external comfort. People in various professions like occupation managers, school heads, senior government officers, mayors, engineers, lawyers and physicians usually buy some products with the most recent technology. Economic circumstances also influence once buying pattern.   Most people especially those who are highly paid with good saving and with good personnel incomes buy expensive products. The lifestyle of a person influences his or her buying pattern.   People may belong to the same occupation, social class and subculture but leading different lifestyles usually prefer products that feed that group. Personality and self-concept: Personality and self confidence also influence consumers buying behavior products and services. For example expensive car, which are electronically controlled and having four wheel drive systems are associated with people who have high Self-confidence Psychological factors Motivation: some people get satisfied when they buy specific products.   people feel that they have satisfied specific needs by buying certain goods and services. Perception: once a person has been motivated he is willing and ready to act.   Most people to be motivated in order to act will depend mostly on their perceptions of the situation. Two people in the same motivated state may act differently depending on how they perceive the situation. A product may appeal to the perception of a specific customer.   For example various colors that cars are attractive giving customers a good picture of the real quality of this car. Beliefs and attitudes: most people follow some set of belief when making a decision on the type of product to consumer. A belief about a certain product will also influence consumption.   These beliefs make up brand images and most people have been proved to act on these images. People always have good attitude towards specific products and if this product meets the performance according to the needs, desire and attitudes consumption will be influenced. METHODOLOGY: The purpose of the study is to find out factors that influence fashion consumption in UK. The phenomenological research design that will be used will involve a study of the consumer behaviors and consumption in fashion industry. This particular study will be done in two phases where the first phase will involve completion of a questionnaire which is commonly known as a questionnaire survey by individuals. This questionnaire survey will be done on a sample of twenty fashion show owners within London . And the second phase will involve the use of some interview which will be in some way semi structured. Each given phase in this design will address the different research questions and their concerns. At some point within the first phase, there will be cases of the first qualitative phase relying on the some quantitative phases that might have been in use in the design. The interviews that will be used in the design will be carried out in a sample of twenty fashion show owners. The interviews will serve to give out information concerning buying behaviors’ among women. These surveys will therefore give some contextual information about the consumption of a specific fashion. Some studies will be conducted using single stage designs and others like this one will be conducted using the two-stage design. When using the two stage design, the contextualization that will be given in the first stage will be very much helpful (Jasper, 1994). The survey will provide a specific frame for which sampling will be done from for the semi structured interviews that will be done on the fashion operators and buyers. And gaining access to the twenty fashion owners will be very essential to getting the right information concerning the consumption of fashion among young and mature women from the sampled group of a given part of city which will be a representation of the whole population of the young and mature. The given questionnaires will have the contacts so that the used sample can be contacted incase more information will be needed. The quantitative data that will be gotten from the phase of questionnaire survey will now be used to get through to the qualitative sample. The questionnaire surveys have always been made with the above additional purpose in mind. In the cases where one researcher will have to make attachments of qualitative sub samples to samples that will be statistically derived will lead to another mixed method of designs in qualitative research methods (George, 2000). Such mixed methods of designs will most of the time benefit the qualitative researchers in that they give them the chance to have a selection of the specific cases from which they will be able to draw upon information that will be contextual that will also enable them to put their hypothesis under test on a large samples that will be statistically be represented. Therefore in most cases, the researcher will have to be decided on which research design he will use in his project. Some researchers do use multiple designs while others will use single designs. This purely depends on the project that one is doing and which research design the researcher will be most comfortable with. There are three major components in a research design model and they are; determination of the limits of the people to be investigated and also what will be investigated, the collection of data and the last component is the analysis of the collected data in a phenomenological manner. In the first component, the researcher will have to know to what limits the participants in the survey will get in trying to give him the required information. Here the researcher will have to put in mind the limits of the twenty fashion owners in trying to give him information as far as matters of fashion consumption. In addition, the researcher will have to have specific issues which he would want to research on (Joan, 2004). At this point in time, the researcher will have to carry out his project purely on the safety of the crane operators. In trying to get information, the phenomenologist will have to engage himself in an in-depth probing so that quality information may be found. After identifying the sample group that will help in giving the required information, the following step will now involve identifying the most efficient data collection methods. The following methods will be the most preferred methods for this particular survey; the in-depth semi structured interviews that will have to be tape recorded and later on be transcribed. The second data collection method will be the use of a documentary study from which the writings of the subject matter will have to be reviewed so that their meanings can be properly derived from them. This second method will be used hand in hand with the first method (Johnson, 2000). The third and the last data collection method will be the technique of the participant observation. This particular technique will lead to a generation of some kind of an interview. It will be worth noting that in phenomenological research tape recording is important because the tapes will later be transcribed. Sampling designs strategies in qualitative research. There are many different qualitative sampling designs that will be used at the different stages of the research or still they will be used for the different purposes of the research. There are those questions that the researchers should constantly be asking themselves which will serve to give relevant information on the sampling strategy design that the researcher would have chosen to use. It will be very crucial for the researcher to give a clear definition of the objectives of the research. The time that will be spent making clarification with the client will be a time that will be well spent (Kendy, 19976). Most of the times, in qualitative research, the objectives of the project might be refined as the research will keep on progressing. Sometimes the available resources will try to undermine the progress of a researcher’s project. This should be prevented to happen by considering the available human resources to the project at hand and also the nature of the method of data collection. The length of interview that is the qualitative interview will have a great impact on the qualitative sampling design strategy and the final decision of the given sample size. For instance longer interviews will provide detailed data than shorter interviews. With this in mind a decision may be taken on whether to carry out longer or shorter interviews.The sampling size should also be put in mind. This will basically depend on the homogeneous or the heterogeneous nature of the population to be sampled and the requirements of the methods of the data collection that will be employed in this research. Data analysis After the researcher will collect the data, she/he will tabulate the data into tables and analyze it using frequencies descriptive and percentages. The processing of the survey results. The processing of the survey results need not to wait until has been completed, but can begin as soon as the first questionnaires are received. The main steps are; Coding. Nowadays the computer is used widely to process information. For that reason it is often advisable to code the information or even use a preceded questionnaire to facilitate the necessary processing and calculations. Punching. Subsequently the information can be punched for computer purposes. Data tabulation. With the aid of a computer, raw tables may be compiled. These tales are often only preliminary and may serve as guidelines for further analyses and condensed into possibly more meaningful tables. Statistical processing. With the previous step as a basis the information can be processed further until it yields objectives and clear answers to the problem or opportunity which is being investigated. REFERENCES Aaker, D.A., Keller, K.L. 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Friday, November 8, 2019

Cuban and U.S. relations essays

Cuban and U.S. relations essays In the early 1900s, Cuba was a stomping ground for many of the rich and famous from the United States. Many famous movies stars and wealthy business entrepreneurs spend their vacations there along with a substantial amount of money. Trade and commerce between the United States and Cuba flowed freely and abundantly. Even with the Dictatorship-like regime of Batista, the countries benefited from the economic trade between them. This was all about to come crashing down as revolts against Batista occurred and Fidel Castro came to power within Cuba. It was after Castro took power that the United States changed its way in which it dealt with Cuba dramatically. The United States decided it would place major sanctions against Cuba and would try to cut Castro off of dealing with not only the United States, but any other country the US dealt with as well. It was during this time that the Cold War was in its adolescence stage and the United States was doing everything in its power to make sure that smaller, third world countries did not become communist or even associate themselves with the Soviet Union in any way. One of the reasons sanctions were placed against Cuba was that during the revolution against Batista, research was done into Castros background and it was shown that two of his lieutenants; Ernesto Che Guevara and Fidels brother Raul, were said to be communists. The research also led one to believe that even though Castro might not be a Marxist-Leninist, he was a Soviet sympathizer . After more in-depth research into Castros background, it was shown that he had no ties in any way to the Communist nor did he even have much sympathy for it. These sanctions were put into place against Cuba as Fidel Castro came into power in 1959 and have not seen any real changes up to the present time. The reason the United States implemented these sanctions against Cuba were for a couple of reasons. One was bec...